Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Minor mauled by 4 Chinese national

A 17 year old minor were brought to the hospital after a cue stick hit his right eye when four Chinese national created fight in billiard hall in Davao City.

The suspects were identified as Xu Ji, 23 years old, Wang Jian, 40 years old, Gao Yunxia, 50 years old and Gao Feng, 50 years old, all were crews of M/V Milestone ported at Tefasco, Ilang of the said area.

The victim was residing at Riverside Ilang, Tibungco, Davao City.

Reports showed that the incident happened at about 1:00 AM last Monday in Mike Billiard Hall in Barangay Ilang, Tibungco, Davao City.

Investigation revealed that the suspects were all drunk when they came and asked to play billiards and afterward started creating a fight with the bystander at the place that resulted in a fight with their bare fists.

One of the suspects named Wand Jiang all of a sudden hit the right eye of the victim by a cue stick.

The victim along with the two suspects in the incident was rushed to Davao Medical Center, Bajada, Davao City.

The suspects are now under the detention of Bunawan PS-6, Davao CPO. (Rose Anne Valledo)

Ate Zai went to Davao to cover a presscon so she asked Sir Junleg if he could take us over. we went to LTO because he was assigned their. We interview Atty. Alex Verzosa and write an article.

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